Friday, October 17, 2008

Rick Wakeman - Excerpts From The Six Wives Of Henry VIII

Rick Wakeman. I first heard of this amazing person way back in the early 1970's. There was this "progressive rock" band called Yes with this skinny guy with long blond hair that could play a mean keyboard. And it went way beyond mean, to be sure. I can't imagine my life without his music. This video posted on YouTube is one of my favorite Wakeman moments and is a distillation of the music from The Six Wives of Henry the VIII, his first solo album after joining Yes. The album was an absolutely amazing tour de force. It was entertaining and it proved that a talented artist like Wakeman could create a complex musical tapestry (in which he demonstrated the personalities of the six wives) through the versatility of the keyboard. I believe this is the solo segment he did when touring with Yes in late 1972 which was recorded at the Christmas Night concert at London's Rainbow Theatre (hence some Christmas music as part of his keyboard antics).

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