Monday, March 26, 2007

Back to The 'Ol Grindhouse

OK, so I'm counting the days until next weekend (Friday, April 6th, to be precise) because I plan to return once again to the movie theatres to see Grindhouse, which is the newest effort by two of my favorite directors, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriquez. I have been hyped for this movie since I first heard about it back last year. What could be better than a three hour film extravaganza composed of two "B" movies (Tarantino's "Death Proof" and Rodriquez's "Planet Terror") with some bogus trailers from the likes of Rob Zombie and Eli Roth popped in the middle of the two? Yes folks, this is your humble narrator's idea of paradise. It's going to be bloody disgusting, but so, so sweet. Check it out!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

MidJersey Comicon

MidJersey Comicon. What a great comic show! And it was held on my birthday, no less! Here's what I came away with:

Dark Tower #1, 2 and Marvel Spotlight: Dark Tower
Mr. Monster #1 (1988)
DC Silver Age Classics: The House of Secrets #92
Giant Batman Annual #1 (Replica Edition 1999)
Justice League of America Super Spectacular #1 (Replica Edition 1999)

Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks:
Swamp Thing: Dark Genesis
Swamp Thing: Love and Death
Fantastic Firsts (2nd Printing)
The Prisoner: Shattered Visage
Avengers Masterworks Vol.1
Reinventing Comics (Scott McCloud)

What I Didn't Find:
The Spirit #1 - 4 (DC's new launch of Will Eisner's classic character)

Sorta shows you where my head is at right now in comics.

Thanks go out to the nice, friendly folks who made the show possible and all of the dealers with the 50% off graphic novel bins! It was great fun chatting with many of you! I'll be back next time!